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California Supply Chain Transparency Act Statement

Aureole has a supply chain auditing program. This program addresses the risks of human trafficking and slavery for suppliers in the Social Accountability Program. We conduct on-site supplier visits as well as arrange for independent third-party scheduled audits of our suppliers. Third-party verification is required of all of our high-risk suppliers in the Social Accountability Program, determined by a review of the supplier’s self-assessment, industry and geographic location.
Audits are conducted to evaluate compliance with the Aureole Supplier Code of Conduct (“Code”) as well as local and international labor laws and regulations. All merchandise-related suppliers and key suppliers of other goods and services are required to sign and adhere to the Code, including its statements regarding human trafficking and slavery. When a supplier fails to meet Aureole requirements, every effort is made to work with that supplier to implement corrective action. If the supplier still fails to meet our requirements, the relationship may be terminated.
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